Tag Archives: Primaria Bucuresti

RO/EN Metrorex intelege sa salveze cainii in pericol chemand hingherii!/Metrorex understands calling the dog catchers for saving the dogs in danger.

Desi la fata locului se aflau deja 2 asociatii de protectia animalelor dispuse sa salveze cainele si sa-l preia, conducerea Metrorex a preferat sa cheme hingherii. Cainele este acum in mare pericol, deoarece a fost impuscat cu subsante tranchilizante de catre persoane care nu detin autorizatie si nici competenta pentru aceasta si apoi a fost dus in focarul de infectie de la Pallady, unde Sectia 13 Politie a constat deja ca nu exista personal veterinar care sa preia cainii la intrarea in “adapost”. Pe Facebook a fost semnalat cazul acestui caine aflat in pericol, intr-o statie de metrou, chiar pe linie. Echipa MDPA si reprezentantul Asociatiei Kola Kariola s-au deplasat imediat la fata locului. Dupa indelungi cautari, cainele a fost reperat la o alta statie. Ne-am deplasat cu totii acolo, insa angajatii Metrorex chemasera deja hingherii, care au sosit la scurta vreme. In ciuda explicatiilor si a insistentelor noastre, politia a preferat sa-i lase pe cei de la ASPA sa prinda cainele. A fost tranchilizat de soferul dubei, iar celuilalt hingher i-a scapat. Cainele a fugit si a cazut pe linie, riscand sa fie strivit de urmatorul tren. Angajatii Metrorex au cautat aproape o ora si, in sfarsit, l-au gasit. Vom depune plangere penala pentru modul brutal si total neprofesionist in care a fost prins cainele. De asemenea, vom depune o plangere impotriva Metrorex, care nu a facut nici un fel de eforturi pentru a salva animalul si pentru ca a preferat, in loc sa predea cainele unei asociatii de protectia animalelor, sa-l trimita la o moarte sigura. Politistii prezenti la fata locului au intocmit o fisa de caz, din care reiese ca angajatii ASPA care au folosit arma cu tranchilizant nu detin autorizatie. Precizam ca, daca este manevrata necorespunzator, aceasta arma poate fi letala atat pentru animale, cat si pentru oameni, iar statia de metrou este un loc intens circulat.


Even if on site were already 2 animal protection associations, willing to save and take the dog, the Metrorex leadership preferred to call in the dog catchers. The dog is now in great danger, resulted of being shot at with tranquillisers by people that don’t have authorisation or ability for it and then he was trasported in the Pallady infection “shelter”, where the no 13 police station already said that there is no medical personnel to receive the dogs coming in the so called shelter. This case of the dog being in danger in a subway station, straight on the lines, was signaled on Facebook. The MPDA team and the representative of Kola Kariola Association went immediately at the place. After long searches, the dog was noticed at another station. We went there but the Metrorex employees already called the dog catchers, who arrived shortly after. Despite our explanations and persistency, the police preferred to let the ASPA catch the dog. The dog was tranquillised by the van driver, and the other dog catcher couldn’t hold him. The dog ran and felt on the lines, risking of being hit by the next train. The Metrorex employees has searched for almost an hour and finally found the dog. We will file in a criminal complaint for the brutal and unprofessional way that the dog was captured. Also, we will file in a criminal complaint against Metrorex, that didn’t do any efforts to save the animal, and preferring to give the animal to a save death instead of an animal protection association. The police officers that were there filed in a case file, for the ASPA employees that used the tranquilliser gun, for not having authorisation. We want to highlight the fact that this gun, being handled careless, can be lethal to both dogs and humans, and the subway station is a very crowded place.